Ben Venue Public School

Where great things are always happening

Telephone02 6772 4263

Personal development, health and physical education

Personal development, health and physical education (PDHPE) is mandatory from Kindergarten to Year 10.

PDHPE provides students with opportunities to explore issues that are likely to impact on the health, safety and wellbeing of themselves and others – now and in the future. Students also participate in challenging and enjoyable physical activity, improving their capacity to move with skill and confidence.

Sport and Physical Education at Ben Venue is developed K-6.

Sporting activities K-2 have an emphasis on coordination (gross motor) activities; skills practice; and both informal and formal modified games in Physical Education. Students in Kindergarten actively participate in the Tucabia Gross Motor Program in Term 2 each year. Parents are always willing helpers for group activities and their involvement is a valued support.

Ben Venue is a leading school in providing opportunities for students in Primary Schools' Sports Association (P.S.S.A.) activities. The school has a great foundation and history in supporting these students at Local, Regional, State and National levels in a variety of sports. The staff caters for a whole range of these sports being actively involved in all levels of training, from school to state-based teams.

Years 3-6 students are involved in active intra-school and inter-school sporting programs. Sporting opportunities are offered to students throughout the year making use of school and community facilities. Students regularly participate in School Sport, Gymnastics (Armidale Gymnastics Centre), Sport & Recreation Centre activities, Sport U.N.E. activities as well as other sporting initiatives e.g. Orienteering, Swimming, Carnivals and Gala Days organised around specific sporting and team activities.

Ben Venue Sports House Colours

  • Cunningham = Red

  • Oxley = Green

  • Sturt = Yellow

  • Blaxland = Blue

Swimming, Athletics and Cross Country

Lessons and training sessions are programmed to develop skills and knowledge about specific performance in preparation for the school's annual carnivals. These carnivals provide opportunities for students to move from District to Regional and State level representation. Selection in teams at all levels is organised through the P.S.S.A.

The major sporting awards and the House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Shields are presented at special Sports Assemblies. A Sportsperson of the Year Award and a Contribution to Sports Award is presented at the School's formal Presentation Assembly at the end of the year.

Talented Sportspersons

The school caters for talented sportspersons by providing opportunities for representation at a local, Regional and the State level following selection trials in Soccer, Rugby Union, Rugby League, Netball, Hockey, Athletics, Swimming, Cross Country, Tennis, Basketball and Cricket. Many students are involved in talent development programs to enhance skills and abilities, particularly in athletics and team sports. The school enters teams in the P.S.S.A State Knockout competitions in many sports and proudly displays many District, Regional and State Shields and Trophies over many years. In 2009 and 2010 one female student represented NSW in the Australian Cross Country titles.

Learn to Swim/Lifesaving 

The Learn to Swim program is held in Term 4 each year. This intensive two-week program is designed for students Years 2-6 who are unable to swim unaided for 50 meters. The program also assists students to develop water safety and survival skills.