All season options for all students – Multiform.
Hat Broad brimmed ‘sun smart’ hat, navy
Collared Shirt Short or long sleeved, white buttoned
Polo Shirt Short or long sleeved, white (with Ben Venue logo or plain)
Jumper ‘V’ neck or round-neck, navy (with Ben Venue logo or plain)
Jacket Ben Venue logo or plain navy
Shorts Mid-thigh navy or grey
Pants Full-length navy or grey
Pinafore Knee-length tartan Years K-2
Skirt Knee-length tartan Years 3-6
Skort Mid-thigh tartan Years K-6
Socks Crew or knee-high navy (with tartan and navy shorts/pants)
Crew or knee-high grey (with grey shorts/pants)
Tights Navy opaque
Shoes Black school shoes or black joggers
School Tie Optional
Sports Uniform
Shirt Ben Venue sports logo or white polo (Years 3-6 only)
Shorts Mid-thigh navy
Track pants Navy
Socks Crew white
Accessories must be discreet and in keeping with school colours.
Examples include:
Scarves, gloves/mittens, beanies, sunglasses
Hair accessories that are navy and/or gold
Team uniforms are supplied for various sports when students are representing the school.
Ben Venue clothing pool
A uniform or clothing pool is available. Please contact the Front Office.
Lost property
Every effort is made to locate missing items of clothing or materials. Parents are welcome to check for lost items at any time. All items of clothing and student property should be clearly marked with the student's name. Misplaced jackets are held in a separate area to other lost property.
Ben Venue Uniform Info