- School Hours - 9:10am to 3:10pm
- Students are supervised in the playground from 8:40am
- Students move from the playground to classes after the 9:05am bell
- Lessons commence at 9:10am
- Recess: 11:10am to 11:30am
- Lunch: 12:50pm to 1:25pm (first half)
- 1:25pm to 1:50pm (second half)
- Lessons finish: 3:10pm.
- Bus Duty: 3.10pm until the last bus leaves.
Playground supervision
Supervision of the playground begins at 8:50am and concludes at 3:20pm for most students other than those who travel home by bus. Parents are advised to ensure that students arrive as close as possible to the morning supervision time. Students arriving prior to supervision time are to sit in the Pebbled Area after placing their school bag outside their classroom. Students are not encouraged to be at school prior to 8.30am unless they have been dropped off by an early bus. Student safety is paramount and all playground supervision is organised with this in mind. All play areas are supervised in the morning, at recess and at lunchtime and students must remain in the designated playground boundaries at all times.
Assembly schedule
Formal assemblies are held regularly. At these assemblies students share their achievements and experiences and the habits of group participation and accepting and promoting the performance and talents of others is encouraged. Parents are invited to attend assemblies when classes are performing items or students are receiving awards. K-6 assemblies are held to acknowledge and celebrate events and important calendar dates e.g. ANZAC Day, NAIDOC Week, Education Week and Multicultural Celebrations.
After hours use of the school facilities
School buildings and grounds are offered to community groups to conduct meetings, courses, displays, presentations and conferences etc. after school hours. Applications to the Principal can be made by contacting the School Office. The Department of Education & Training (DET) NSW must be indemnified, i.e. groups must hold their own insurance and a reasonable hiring fee is usually charged.